Garden on the Escarpment

This is a property I designed in Lewiston.  Springtime is especially lovely. Enjoy the tour, the flowers bloom mostly in pink. See more of this property on Garden Walk Garden Talk on Tuesday.

Rhododendron is king in Spring. The first image is at the driveway entrance and above, the rear of the residence.

The clematis was newly planted the year before. It is filling in nicely.

Japanese maple are in many locations on this property and do quite well.

The side garden above was designed for wedding photos to be taken.  The wedding was the following year, so the plantings had time to fill in.

Island beds are throughout the huge front yard. The new spruce are planted as a screen. They will get beds as they develop.

Hope you enjoyed the tour.

18 thoughts on “Garden on the Escarpment

  1. How wonderful to have that lovely spacious garden with pink flowers blooming, beautifully kept lawn and trees! I love the garden for the wedding photo! You are genious Donna!

  2. The idea of buying-in large established plants would never occur to me, but I can see how it can totally transform your garden (and probably your life) overnight. The owners have trusted you with a huge responsibility. Well done Donna.

  3. How beautiful! The rhodies are gorgeous, and the Japanese maple too. It’s refreshing to see a willow in a landscape where it has room to grow, even though I’m guessing that’s the neighbor’s, and soon will be obscured by the spruce. I hate seeing willows on tiny lots with cropped haircuts. I don’t think a lot of people appreciate just how giant they can be!

    • These neighbors were actually ‘feuding’ over the willow. I designed both properties, not the willow as it was there longer than I have been alive. I will show that property too at some point. The spruce were so the debris from the willow would not soil the other neighbor’s lawn. to trap it in the driveway. The wind blew it all one way unfortunately.

  4. What a gorgeous estate! You must have enjoyed working on such a lovely piece of property, and you have done a masterful job. The wedding had to have been very special!

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