What I See ‘On the Ground’

I see green, but not so much.

I see grayed, afternoon light filtering through the new flowers and bouncing off …..new verdant leaves.

Hellebore backed by boxwood is the brightest green in the snowy landscape.

I see  browned leaves of last year providing nourishment as they decay, and beauty as they let light through the thinning membrane …

of spent petals and faded leaves.

I see detail in life lived.

I see SNOW, but there are places where it has melted.

There are places yet touched by the sun.

I see color in a landscape devoid of much. But a wealth of texture abounds.

I see green lichen as a sign of Spring.

I see much in spite of the snow.

I see life all around, enjoying the snowy landscape.

Those that enjoy the nuts and those that can’t…..

And those that wish they waited to make a Spring appearance……

Both big and small.

Am I too subtle wishing for a little more green?

Thanks to Roses and Stuff for hosting ‘On the Ground’.