The Gardens and Those That Make Them So

The Gardens Across the Bridge

This is  photo walk through of the gardens being installed in the Niagara Falls Park in Canada. It is quite different from those on our side with many of the gardens formally laid out.

The plazas are especially rigidly designed.

The umbrellas add color and excitement to the balcony promenade.

This is an example of a pergola that is doing exactly what it is supposed to do architecturally and aesthetically. Note the strong shadowing in line and pattern adding interest and a sense of privacy to the walk. The woman is barely noticeable.Garden Helpers

The beds are large and massed out in annuals. They use the Canna every year I believe.

It takes a lot of maintenance to support gardens of this size and type. According to one of the friendly helpers, they have experienced budget cuts. I am guessing this puts more work on those that remain. But the gardener did say that many jobs, like cutting back weeds, are on a longer rotation schedule. I did notice many hedges, like barberry that were not trimmed. Honestly, it is healthier for the shrubs not to be cut back so hard each year, but in gardens that are redesigned often, I guess this is not of concern. Planting Santolina

The helper above, when asked what he was planting, responded that I would have no idea because they are such rare plants, there was no use in telling me. He went on to say that the nearby Horticulture School had nothing to do with the Parks Department and they do not set foot off the campus when I asked if they help work here. What a weeny! The other helpers were friendly and knowledgable. I guess this guy was too, but must have been having one of those days, after all, he did say he was at this for hours. He was a bit nicer when I said I lived 8 minutes away and was not a tourist.

7 thoughts on “The Gardens and Those That Make Them So

  1. I do love these gardens…they are such a feast for the eyes and I love how they create the beauty from the plants…very creative…of course not at all my style but none-the-less gorgeous…early in my gardener experience I tried a more formal bed…never worked..nature seems to have always intervened and created something oh so different…

  2. Great pictures. Especially love your picture and description of the pergola. I bet the guy planting didn’t know the name of the plant, so he just said it was rare!

  3. I love the gardens on the Canadian side as well. I last saw them in 1985 – it seems like a lifetime ago! – and even then, they were simply stunning.

    The fact that he wouldn’t tell you the name of the plant suggests to me that perhaps he might have forgotten the name LOL.

    Thanks for sharing such stunning pictures. Steve and I plan to visit within the year, likely next spring. We tried to fit it in this summer but just couldn’t. So I can enjoy it vicariously through you in the meantime!

  4. Sorry, I don’t like formal gardens at all. It means I hate Italian and French landscape parks, and, on the contrary, I absolutely love English gardens.
    Anyway your pictures are wonderful!

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